Saturday, June 2, 2012

Children's Miracle

This is about my nephew, a 2-year old boy who is now right beside me. You know, it is so hard to take good care of a toddler. Taking good care of them needs a lot of effort. I knew it coz I've been through it all. You need to understand them the way you understand an adult one and sometimes they are more reliable than others. When I need someone to talk to, I talk to him as if he will understand the things that I'm saying. He's just looking or staring at me but deep in my heart it makes me feel good. Everytime I cry, he's crying too as if he knows what I'm going through. He is always curious, always free, that sometimes make every one feel envy. Being with him makes me feel happy maybe because he is so cute, he is so adorable, he is so funny, he is so bright but above all, I know, that he will be the one who will love and appreciate me the way I needed to be. So when you're taking good care of your son, nephew or just someone you're not related to, give them the love that they deserve coz every smile of a little child makes every one's heart soothe with joy and laughter. Make their childhood the best experience and be thankful that those little angels are not just there to make you take care of them but to make you believe that every day is a miracle..


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