Saturday, July 7, 2012

Little Angel Giean

I love watching our little Giean playing. I really enjoyed playing with him coz I really feel free. Look at him, he is only 2 years old but he is so big for his age. Actually he is a binge-eater like me reason why he is so big like that. His pediatrician requested his mom to control his diet because he is overweight in his age. I also want to discipline him when it comes to food coz I think its easy for me to do that because I am a nurse but every time I see him staring at someone who's eating, I can't help myself but to give him some thing that makes him stare away from that. His mom is so lucky to have him because he is so smart, kind, cuddly and everything. He is our baby. He is my teddy bear. I really enjoyed talking to him because as of his age, he understands what i'm talking which everyone feels surprise about it. But now, he is far away from us and I miss him so much which makes me wish that he's here with us...


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