Thursday, May 31, 2012


Tomorrow, May 31 is the said "World Tobacco Day". I know that many of us are not aware of this event but it really does exist. The Department Of Health is now worried of the increasing rate of smokers here in the Philippines because according to them 2 out of 10 people is dying due to lung diseases caused by smoking. They also said that many people starts smoking at the age of 10 and the rate of smokers increases every year. Because of this, they are now pursuing the Sin Tax Bill wherein the tax for vices such as cigarettes and beers are raised at a higher percentage of tax.

I agree to the said bill because as a nurse and a person who doesn't smoke, it will help a lot in keeping the environment clean and promoting good health not only for Filipinos but also Worldwide. I think people should be open-minded for this bill because the government will not pursue this kind of bill just for their own sake but also for the people who are using and not using it. As a nurse and a Filipino citizen, it will be good if the rate of people dying because of this vice will decrease. We should also be conscious for our health and for the people around us especially to those who are not smoking. I know it will be hard for the smokers but they should also keep in mind that "Smoking is bad for their health".


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