Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Got A Free Coca-Cola Notebook

Charrraannn!! I got a free notebook with ballpen from Coca-cola after my mom bought 3 bottles for only Php45. My family is quite addicted with the taste of coca-cola beverage reason why we often buy it. Well anyway, I love to collect notebooks and after my mom gave this to me, I felt happy.. :) Here is the picture of the notebook I got.
I don't know when I started loving notebooks. I am not a writer or something but everytime I have this, even I am not fond of writing, it seems that I can freely express myself with the help of this. Sometimes I use this when I want to draw some thing or some one that irritates me.hahaha. Anyway, This notebook is not bad at all. Gonna start to draw some thing with this or gonna write something with this stuff.. :)


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