Saturday, June 2, 2012


High School is the most memorable chapter in our life and it is best when shared with friends. But what if, you are a new comer??? Yes, we often get nervous on the idea of going to a place wherein you are surrounded with a lot of strangers that you should interact with, following a set of rules and regulations that you should do for the first time and learning new skills and knowledge that you, your only self should learn and try. These three things are difficult right?, but it is more difficult if you have to do all of these three at the same time. Is coping really really hard???! Well, this is the life of High School Freshie (freshman in other word). High School is a place where all these three should do in order for you to survive. But ah! ah! ah!, relax, coz you are not the only one, there are new people too. Just sit back, relax and stay foot. Remember, not all of them will be nice to you but give yourself a try to have new friends, interact with someone you feel comfortable to interact with because we don't know who among them will be your very next BEST FRIEND! :)

Finding new friends need you to exert more effort. You can't find new friends just by sitting in a corner and waiting for someone who can talk to you and not approaching someone because you are afraid of rejections. I also experienced that, being very vivid and too shy is the very hard thing you should need to overcome, but HELLO!!!!, no man is an island!, can you endure being a loner?! Well, not for me! So entering high school welcomes you to a lot of change that everyone of us should experience. Enough with the tantrums or whatever coz you don't have to experience these changes alone, that's why there are called "FRIENDS", for us to keep inspired and enjoyed every single high school days of our lives.

Growing up and making friends go hand in hand. As you become more mature you become a great person and you gain more friends. Long lasting friendship is not that hard to sustain but remember, TO FIND A FRIEND YOU FIRST HAVE TO BE A FRIEND. Just open your mind to changes and appreciate all the things your new friends do. Don't compare them to your friends way back in grade school, just accept all your friend's flaws and respect them for who they are. Hopefully, after four years, you will look back, reminisce the past and feel the joy of high school life not because of good grades that you earned or the awards you received the entire school year but the treasured memories that you keep in your heart with all your dear friends that you will cherish for the rest of your life.....


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