Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hospital Orientation 1

I attended the Hospital Orientation this day, June 21, 2012 and learned new knowledge through the discussions rendered. The hospital orientation will take 2 days but with pay already and after that we are also required to attend the trainings that the hospital offered for us to be more competent enough in front of the clients and other co-workers. We met the CEO of the hospital. He is so cool and knows how to communicate well to the employees. As he spoke in front of us, I felt the sincerity he had delivered for us, employees and felt inspired because of that. Based on his speech, I can say that the hospital that I applied to is a pro-employee's institute unlike other companies out there. When we started to make a tour on the prestigious hospital, I was amazed on how the hospital looks like. The equipments are high-tech and the hospital is so big that I can't remember the rooms and units that the hospital have.
As of now, I am enjoying the knowledge and experiences that I'm getting here in the said hospital.


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