Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Almost 1 month of being employed, I already met new friends, new companions, new coworkers. I am so lucky being a part of Batch 105 of nurses who made and passed the process to be an employee there in such prestigious hospital. This whole moth, I would say a so-so month for us because we only had trainings and seminars in these days before we enter the real nurse's world out there. We could also say that we learned enough through this seminars and training and we also hope that we can simply apply it in the future. I just also want to share a photo taken from the sketch of one of my batchmates, Tricia, here it goes:
Nice, right? I really like this because of the fact that it is so cute and so touchy... :) I am also looking forward that our batch will still be complete when we will meet again after 6-month-period. I know that we can and we will do our best to give the quality care of our soon-to-be patients out there. 

GOOD LUCK BATCH 105!! We Can Do It!


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