Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hype Ardent's Gluta-C Toner Spritz: A Review

I bought this product last 5 months ago out of curiosity. It is the first time I heard or I saw a toner which looks like a perfume. It contains Glutathione and Vitamin C which helps to lightens the skin and blemishes. I hurriedly bought it and tried it at home.
You can use this product with cotton ball or you can just spray it directly into your face or your body but be sure to close your eyes while spraying it to your face because it will surely hurt your eyes.hahaha. Well, my way is, I am spraying it directly to my face. It feels sticky at first but later on you will notice that your face will  look blooming. It is also perfect to apply if you'll gonna use a face powder because you will really look pinkish and blooming. What I really like about this product is the smell and the fact that this one is cheaper than any other glutathione toners. It is less than P200 and I can use this for a longer time period. I just sometimes don't use it when the weather is so hot because I am afraid that my face will be easily darken. Well anyway, using this is really worth the money. It lightens skin and it doesn't clog pores or anything. The only problem with this is if you use it during hot weather, you will notice that your face will look oily.haha. But above all, it's a perfect toner for me. If I'll gonna rate this product, I will surely gonna give this a 9/10. :) 


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