Monday, May 28, 2012

Nurse's Celebration Updates for June 2012

Guys! I know it's early for me to post here about this but I just want to remind you all that this coming June 14,2012 is the date for us to celebrate the "National Career Nursing Assistant's Day". Let us celebrate and recognize nursing assistants who dedicated theirselves on their job and on all the individuals who needed care. But before we go further, let us know what Nursing Assistant mean..
Nursing assistant is sometimes referred as nursing aid who assists in the care of patients. They usually work under the supervision of a Registered Nurse and other medical staff. They provide personal care for the patients such as bathing, feeding, dressing and other morning cares. in some cases they also take the vital signs of patients. Most of the nursing assistant do the transporting of the patients, making beds and answering calls of the patients. 
 Although not all hospitals here in the Philippines have nursing assistant job title, some hospitals still celebrate this occasion. So let us all celebrate and give thanks to all nursing assistants out there!.. :)


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