Sunday, June 24, 2012

I am exactly where I am meant to be...

I am always requesting to our God to give me signs especially when I need to. Actually when I am not working in the hospital that I'm working now, I used to apply in different jobs not only here in the Philippines but also abroad. I am also asking for signs on whether what offer will I choose to. And now, I chose to work in the hospital where I dreamt of. I actually went to my facebook account to try one of its application til I got this result:
I think this is really a sign that I am going the path exactly where I am meant to be.. I am always looking for signs and always asking if its the right path that I'm heading, and I am very thankful that he always answers me.. I will and will always be thankful to Him.. I am just so lucky having this job and I will never regret the decision I made in choosing this path that even I will not receive such a high salary, I am always thankful that in this, I can be trained as a very competent and good nurse someday. :)


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