Monday, June 4, 2012

JOB FAIR for JUNE 19-20, 2012

All Jobseekers are invited to attend the PhilStar Career Guide Jobs Fair on June 19-20, 2012 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at Megatrade Hall, SM Megamall, Mandaluyong City. This Job fair is sponsored by Philippine Star- Career Guide and

I also experienced attending Jobfair and I can say that it has been a nice experience for me even though in that time there is no hiring for a nurse like me. It practiced me alot when it comes to interview.haha. Last time I attended in this kind of event, I was with my sister and my boyfriend. The line for the entrance was so long that i never thought that we will finish the processing on that same day. Anyway, just wanna give you some tips to prepare you in this kind of event.

In attending this kind of Job Fair, you need to:
1. Wake up early so that you will be the first in line. Doing this will make not only make you finish early but also will help you to chose on what company-cubicle you want to apply or go to.
2. Be confident. Do not struggle on words during interview. Just relax and every words will come out as if you are talking to your friend.. :)
3. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Remember that asking questions doesn't make you look like a fool but in all honesty, it will make your employer feel that you are interested on their company or whatever the position you are applying for.
4.  Prepare yourself for the exam because some employers will require you to take their exam before the interview.
5. Bring your resume and credentials.
6. Be on corporate attire. Remember that it is important for them their first impressions to the applicants.
7. Believe in yourself. and lastly...
8. Have faith in God.


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