Sunday, June 3, 2012

Been Rejected

Last night, I decided to be a publisher of ads for my blog (not this blog). I decided to sign up for adBrite, I just don't wanna sign up for Google Adsense this time coz I'm afraid that google adsense will ban my account coz I heard from a lot of bloggers that Google Adsense is strict and banning accounts so I had chosen adBrite just for now as an alternative. I sign up and read their terms and conditions. My zones were activated and I was informed that I need to wait for mails that will informed me that I qualify their standards. I've waited for hours then I received the mail which only informed me that I can't access their ads for now coz my blog is not in a top level domain. At first, I asked myself, what does this "not in a top level domain" means? I just thought maybe, I am only using free services from blogspot or something. I also researched it and my thoughts are right.. I'm so sad about that. And now, i'm looking for alternatives. I am hitting on Nuffnang, but I don't know if they are open for my case. What do you think???  :(


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