Saturday, June 2, 2012

ETUDE HOUSE's "Pure Joy Lotion"

I admit that I am one of the young adults who's trying to use different kinds of beauty products, in fact, the last time I had stepped in one of Etude House's branches in Manila, I purchased "Etude House's Pure Joy Lotion". It costs around Php300+ as far as I can remember and worth a try so when I got home, I checked the ingredients and directions of the said product. It stated there that it is harsh-chemical free, safe for sensitive skin like mine so I placed it on our refrigerator to maintain the wholeness of the product.

Here is the picture of the Etude House's Pure Joy Lotion
Later that night, after washing and toning my face, I used Etude Houses Pure joy Lotion. i placed a medium-amount of the product to cover up my whole face.

Its mixture is so soft, just like liquid base products, easy to absorb in skin and gives enough moisturization at night.

It is safe to use for all skin types even if you have oily skin because it is hypoallergenic and doesn't clog pores. I already used it for about 2 months now and the bottle is not yet empty. I think I can use the remaining for another 2 months so for me this is worth a money. It makes my face feel so smooth.

The rate of this product for me is 4/5.
If you'll ask me if I'm gonna repurchase it, well definitely...
Give it a try.
Pamper your skin... :)


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