Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mouth Ulcer, A No-No Thing

Suffering from mouth ulcer can make you feel sorry for yourself. It can make eating, drinking, kissing and even talking incredibly difficult. Its started when you bit your tongue accidentally and it hurt a lot then you will notice after few days, instead of fading away, it grew red and painful.

A mouth or oral ulcer is an open sore in the mouth, or rarely a break in the mucous membrane or the epithelium on the lips or surrounding the mouth.When you have this, it will be very difficult for you to chew your favorite food, bite or even brushing your teeth make you suffer. (wikipedia)

Let us know some factors that may contribute to MOUTH ULCER ERUPTIONS:
  • Accidental bites 
  • Vigorous brushing 
  • rubbing braces or dentures 
  • Allergies 
  • Taking medications such as antithyroid drugs 
  • Serious diseases such as HIV, lip cancer 
  • Immune disorders 
  • stress/ fatigue 
  • Iron deficiency 
  • Menstruation 
Simple Remedies for your MOUTH ULCERS
Mouth Ulcers usually fade in 7-10 days and need only home care. Here are some home remedies that can help you alleviate your sore thingy:
1. Warm water with salt.
Mix them and use it to gargle. This will serve as a simplest and easiest solution for this kind of problem. When I am experiencing mouth ulcer, this is the very first advice given by the elders. For me, this is an effective one. :)

2. Chamomile Tea.
I don't know if my country is practicing it, but I think others do. Try it, it maybe effective for you. ;)
3. Alum
Not in the picture but the pulverized one.haha. They said that this is not only for sweaty underarms but do you know that it can be placed directly on your mouth ulcer? Uhmmm......

4. Kamias
This was said to be the very effective remedy for mouth ulcer.


2. EAT HEALTHY FOODS, especially fruits and vegetables.
3. AVOID very hot and very cold drinks and foods cause it can irritate your mouth.
4. AVOID stressors.


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