Sunday, July 15, 2012

First-Hand Experience...

Hello guys! Its been days seen I updated my blog. I was very busy this past few days because I was already exposed in the area which is the ward/floor where I am assigned to. Honestly, I am very nervous because this is my first working experience in a ward because as I had said before I was an OR staff nurse from my last working job/employment, so working in ward is new to me but anyway, I am open and willing to learn. My preceptors are very accommodating, competent and helpful, I hope I can be like them someday. As of now, I am looking forward to learn more and I am also wishing that my nervousness will fade away. I'll keep on praying about myself, my family, co-staff, doctors and of course, our patients. I really wish that I can help them to fade or lessen the discomfort or pain their feeling for them to get well.


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