Monday, July 2, 2012

Yogurt: A Healthy Food Product

Do you enjoy eating yogurt? Do you know its benefits and importance to us, living things.
Yogurt contains active and living cultures which are composed of unique living microorganisms which are responsible for many of the health and nutritional benefits of yogurt. It improves natural defense, it contains a good amount of phosphorus and 88% water. People with a risk of osteoporosis should eat at least one serving of yogurt per day.
It has also been claimed that yogurt may protect against some types of cancer but more investigations have to be carried out. It is also good for the skin and some use yogurt to cosmetics and other skin care.
Food Rating System Chart
According to WHFOODS, Our food ranking system qualified yogurt as a very good source of calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin-vitamin B2 and iodine. Yogurt also emerged from our analysis as a good source of vitamin B12, pantothenic acid-vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, protein and molybdenum. These 10 nutrients alone would make yogurt a health-supportive food. But some of the most interesting health information about yogurt comes from a different context—its potential inclusion of live bacteria.

Well, as for me, I really enjoyed eating it alot. I tried different yogurt products. I started to like it when I first tasted the Nestle Yogurt. It really tastes sour at first but afterwards you will feel comfortable with the tastes it give. There were also times when i got addicted to it, but because it's expensive, I controlled myself when it comes to purchasing it. I also tried the "White Hat", "Tutti Frutti" and "California Berry" which serves the customers a yogurt which is an ice-cream like version. But upon this, i really enjoyed the taste of "California Berry" and "Tutti Frutti". The ice cream yogurt in this has a very addictive taste that you can't stop eating it. That when I have an extra money, I really tried to buy it without even thinking the money I spent in just a small cup of the said yogurt.
Health conscious people tends to buy it, actually I am not one of those "health conscious kudos" but when it comes to food, I am easily pleased.haha. It is not harmful to our health/body, actually it is not only helpful but also you will enjoy the taste it naturally gives to our sensible taste buds..

If I'm gonna rate it, I will definitely give it a 10/10 rating. I also recommend this nutritious and enjoyable food product. Let's starts to eat nutritious foods for us to live longer and fuller life.


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