Monday, August 13, 2012

Life Is...

Life is really tough. So sad but true. This past few days is a blast for me. Life is really unfair. The happier I am, the tougher it gets the next day. I am really trying my very best but sometimes, I think my best wasn't good enough. I am so lucky that even though I done things that leads me to imperfection, my family and friends are there to support me and back me up. 
We had this very big family problem which let us face the reality of life that some people are unable to experience. It is so hard to imagine that the things that you had before suddenly disappeared without even let you knowing it. It is so hard to see your family crying and can't even help them because you are not that capable to help. I admit that I grew without even experiencing struggles when it comes to financial issues that is why it is so hard right now that I am one of those few people that my family and relatives are counting on especially when I'm earning few that even my personal satisfactions can't gratify. It is so hard that it makes me experience how to control everything I need because I am afraid that when I am not in control, all the things I had right now will suddenly be out of my hands anymore. 
Thinking back, when we had a simple life, it makes me wonder why we feel this kind of agony, when before, we are satisfied with just simple little things that comes our way. Maybe it's true, that when people experience more in his life, they also expect more which sometimes lead them to loneliness and anxiety. But after all, I just had this very special thing that I realized. That even if our family is experiencing this kind of hardship, we are still intact and no one can ever let us down because we are always holding each others hand to stand up and face the fight.


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