Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"The Ville" Addiction

It's been days when I discovered about this Facebook App, "The Ville", and I was really hooked by it.hahah. Infairness to me, after days of playing, my house value increases as if there's no tomorrow.hahaha. The only problem here in this games is, the energy level is easily dropped into zero and because of that some tasks are left undone.
Here is the picture of my small house here in "The Ville". I was kinda dreaming about having a house bigger than this and I think as of now I can accomplished it via this game..haha. Well, goodluck to me. You should also try playing this game if you have a spare time. 
I'll gonna give this game a 10/10

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kojic-Papaya Soap Review

Last month, my friend recommended me this Kojic Papaya Soap from Royale because he is one of the members in Royale Business Club. I got persuaded because when I saw the result of the product to him (because he is also using it), I was amazed because he got whiter and blemish-free face. So I purchased the product. He also advised me to use cleanser first before the kojic papaya soap and after that he also told me to use toner and cream to prevent from dryness. Any cleanser, toner and cream will do so I used my own. 
Upon using the soap, I felt the stinging sensation which I actually felt normal because it has papaya and kojic in it. I lathered it gently for 2 minutes and rinsed it thoroughly. I felt my skin was so tight. I used it for about a month and the result in me is far more different. My face got reddish maybe because my skin is so sensitive that when I use strong product this result got me and some of my blemishes got obvious. My sister is also using it but the results in her is good. This cost Php100+ and also available in any Watson's Branch. I am not using it now because of the said result but all I know is the result in me is much different than others maybe because I had a different skin type. Lesson learned.haha.
If I'm gonna rate this product based on my actual experience, well, 5/10 and I think I will not be able to repurchase it again.. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

A blast of Tiring Experience

Hello guys! After days of working, here I am, updating my blog. Anyway, I really enjoyed working in a place I dreamt of. Actually, I was kinda nervous especially in communicating with a high-standard patients because it was so hard for me to express myself but lucky to say that I'm learning. I was not that open about my thoughts but now I am trying to express all of those. I am so lucky that my patients are very obedient and kind, (I am always praying for that)..haha. I am really hoping and wishing (ofcourse) that I will and I can stay in that hospital for a long period of time.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

First-Hand Experience...

Hello guys! Its been days seen I updated my blog. I was very busy this past few days because I was already exposed in the area which is the ward/floor where I am assigned to. Honestly, I am very nervous because this is my first working experience in a ward because as I had said before I was an OR staff nurse from my last working job/employment, so working in ward is new to me but anyway, I am open and willing to learn. My preceptors are very accommodating, competent and helpful, I hope I can be like them someday. As of now, I am looking forward to learn more and I am also wishing that my nervousness will fade away. I'll keep on praying about myself, my family, co-staff, doctors and of course, our patients. I really wish that I can help them to fade or lessen the discomfort or pain their feeling for them to get well.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

White Pizza and Baked Zitti Of Sbarro

I love eating white pizza together with baked zitti in Sbarro. I don't know why but it actually suits my taste. The first time I ate at Sbarro, my boyfriend and I tried the white pizza because I just don't like pizzas with topings all over it. I was satisfied with the taste of cheese and it actually stayed on me for a long seconds. I am addicted to it and everytime I crave of pizzas, I go to Sbarro and buy some.
It was also recently when I discovered the taste of baked zitti. It was when my brother treated me in Sbarro. He ordered me the white pizza that I used to order and because of me, being a binge eater, I looked for a pasta. Actually at first, I will just order the carbonara, but when I saw the zitti, I told myself that I should try it. I chose the white sauce for it and CHARAN!!, it really tastes good. It comes with a bread (garlic bread-correct me if I'm wrong). I was very satisfied on that time reason why I recommended it to my boyfriend and told him that we should try eating baked zitti together. 
If I'm going to rate this well, for the WHITE PIZZA- 10/10

Company Nurse at Rustan's

Hello guys! Want to be a company nurse in Rustan's Commercial Corporation in Makati? I am just searching for new updates and jobs for nurses and I saw this at Jobstreet. I just copied it for my readers out there who's looking for a job and interested to be a company nurse! Hope this will helps.

Apply Online: Click Here


Almost 1 month of being employed, I already met new friends, new companions, new coworkers. I am so lucky being a part of Batch 105 of nurses who made and passed the process to be an employee there in such prestigious hospital. This whole moth, I would say a so-so month for us because we only had trainings and seminars in these days before we enter the real nurse's world out there. We could also say that we learned enough through this seminars and training and we also hope that we can simply apply it in the future. I just also want to share a photo taken from the sketch of one of my batchmates, Tricia, here it goes:
Nice, right? I really like this because of the fact that it is so cute and so touchy... :) I am also looking forward that our batch will still be complete when we will meet again after 6-month-period. I know that we can and we will do our best to give the quality care of our soon-to-be patients out there. 

GOOD LUCK BATCH 105!! We Can Do It!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Little Angel Giean

I love watching our little Giean playing. I really enjoyed playing with him coz I really feel free. Look at him, he is only 2 years old but he is so big for his age. Actually he is a binge-eater like me reason why he is so big like that. His pediatrician requested his mom to control his diet because he is overweight in his age. I also want to discipline him when it comes to food coz I think its easy for me to do that because I am a nurse but every time I see him staring at someone who's eating, I can't help myself but to give him some thing that makes him stare away from that. His mom is so lucky to have him because he is so smart, kind, cuddly and everything. He is our baby. He is my teddy bear. I really enjoyed talking to him because as of his age, he understands what i'm talking which everyone feels surprise about it. But now, he is far away from us and I miss him so much which makes me wish that he's here with us...

Monday, July 2, 2012

July Is The Blood Donor's Month

Have you donated blood? Are you aware that July is a "National Blood Donor's Month"?

According to Manila Bulletin, July has been designated National Blood Donor’s Month pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 1021, dated July 9, 1997, and the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Blood Service Act of 1994. The observance aims to build public awareness of the need for quality and safe blood, honor and recognize blood donors, and encourage regular blood donation.

Actually, I just discovered it recently when I saw posters of this on the elevator of the hospital where I am working right now. I am also one of those people who are not yet donating blood. I am not that afraid of needles, I am just not qualified to undergo this kind of procedure because my blood pressure is below normal, but trust me, I am willing to donate blood... :)

Before you donate blood, medical professionals (medical technologists) will check if you are qualified for this. Here are the following guidelines given for you to be consider as an eligible donor:
  • you must be healthy, be at least 17 years old or 16 years old if allowed by state law.
  • You must weigh at least 110 pounds.
  • Not have donated whole blood in the last 8 weeks (56 days) or double red cells in the last 16 weeks (112 days). 
  • "Healthy" means that you feel well and can perform normal activities. If you have a chronic condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure, "healthy" also means that you are being treated and the condition is under control.
  • There is no upper age limit as long as you are well with no restrictions or limitations to your activities.
  • Vital signs (baseline) are all in normal level.
After the donation, the blood extracted from the donor will still be screened by the medical technologists to be determine if the volunteer is infected and may serve to validate the information that was passed by the volunteered donor. 

Blood is vital to bodily function. It helps the body get the oxygen and nutrients it needs in order to survive. Without blood, we will not be able to keep ourselves warm or cool off, fight infections, or get rid of the body’s waste products. It also serves as the main and essential bodily fluids in our life.


Yogurt: A Healthy Food Product

Do you enjoy eating yogurt? Do you know its benefits and importance to us, living things.
Yogurt contains active and living cultures which are composed of unique living microorganisms which are responsible for many of the health and nutritional benefits of yogurt. It improves natural defense, it contains a good amount of phosphorus and 88% water. People with a risk of osteoporosis should eat at least one serving of yogurt per day.
It has also been claimed that yogurt may protect against some types of cancer but more investigations have to be carried out. It is also good for the skin and some use yogurt to cosmetics and other skin care.
Food Rating System Chart
According to WHFOODS, Our food ranking system qualified yogurt as a very good source of calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin-vitamin B2 and iodine. Yogurt also emerged from our analysis as a good source of vitamin B12, pantothenic acid-vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, protein and molybdenum. These 10 nutrients alone would make yogurt a health-supportive food. But some of the most interesting health information about yogurt comes from a different context—its potential inclusion of live bacteria.

Well, as for me, I really enjoyed eating it alot. I tried different yogurt products. I started to like it when I first tasted the Nestle Yogurt. It really tastes sour at first but afterwards you will feel comfortable with the tastes it give. There were also times when i got addicted to it, but because it's expensive, I controlled myself when it comes to purchasing it. I also tried the "White Hat", "Tutti Frutti" and "California Berry" which serves the customers a yogurt which is an ice-cream like version. But upon this, i really enjoyed the taste of "California Berry" and "Tutti Frutti". The ice cream yogurt in this has a very addictive taste that you can't stop eating it. That when I have an extra money, I really tried to buy it without even thinking the money I spent in just a small cup of the said yogurt.
Health conscious people tends to buy it, actually I am not one of those "health conscious kudos" but when it comes to food, I am easily pleased.haha. It is not harmful to our health/body, actually it is not only helpful but also you will enjoy the taste it naturally gives to our sensible taste buds..

If I'm gonna rate it, I will definitely give it a 10/10 rating. I also recommend this nutritious and enjoyable food product. Let's starts to eat nutritious foods for us to live longer and fuller life.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Chocolate Cake For My Mother and Brother

Last June 24, 2012, my mom celebrated her birthday with us together with my brother. I was so excited because my mom will prepare foods for us. haha. As what I had said before, I am a binge eater.haha. So I really enjoyed it so much. My boyfriend also bought cake for my mother and brother. Thank You for the thoughtfulness Christian (my boyfriend's name)
I love chocolate cakes other than any flavored cakes that I usually seen at other cake shops. My brother and cousin really enjoyed it a lot. I have no pictures of them because they are camera-shy.haha..

Anyway, I would like to say Good luck to those board exam takers.. You can all do it. May God bless you all. Keep the faith.. :)
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